
Date Tracker
Keep track of your days. A PWA (Progressive Web App) built with Alpine.js that uses localstorage.
Multiple Subdomains
Adding multiple subdomains to a Vercel project.
Running Next.js on a M1 Mac
A guide to installing Next.js, Git, nvm and Node.js on a Mac with Apple silicon.
Marking up Terminal Sessions in HTML
Using <pre>, <samp> and <kbd> to semantically markup a terminal session.
Creating a Text Sitemap and robots.txt With Eleventy
How to create a sitemap and robots.txt file using Eleventy.
Eleventy Live Reload for HTML5 Documents Without a <body> Tag
How to configure Eleventy to live reload pages that don’t contain a <body> tag.
A Minimal Valid HTML5 Document
A minimal HTML5 document template with an explanation of why it’s a good idea to always set the document’s language, character encoding and viewport.
Installing Eleventy on a New Mac
A guide to installing Eleventy, Git, nvm and Node.js on macOS.